Favorite Fall Perennial

Just because summer is coming to a close doesn’t mean that our landscape has to fade away with it. Yes, of course, many of our summer perennials will have flowered and faded by September but keep in mind the humble Diervilla, specifically the Kodiak Orange Diervilla.

So what is that?

Kodiak Orange Diervilla, more commonly referred to as a bush honeysuckle, is a plant that will thrive in sun or shade, is drought-tolerant, deer resistant and native to Michigan. All of these reasons are why we’ve been particularly enjoying the Kodiak Orange Diervilla and adding it to our landscapes all season long.

Another great seasonally relevant feature, the Diervilla has excellent fall color. Its glowing orange fall foliage lights up any landscape. In early summer, bright yellow flowers add to the appeal not only within the landscape but to attract beneficial pollinators such as butterflies and hummingbirds. At only 3-4’ tall and wide this easygoing shrub will grow just about anywhere in your landscape.